The snow leopard (Panthera uncia), often referred to as the “ghost of the mountains,” is a magnificent and elusive big cat that inhabits the rugged and remote landscapes of Central Asia’s high-altitude regions. With its stunning gray-white fur covered in black spots and its remarkable ability to thrive in harsh environments, the Snow Leopard is..
Category: Upcoming events

National Forest Inventory Report Launch
The Department of Forests and Park Services has conducted ground-based forest inventory from 2021-2022, the result of which was analysed in two volumes in 2022-2023; i. National Forest Inventory volume I: State of Forest Report ii. National Forest Inventory Volume II: State of Forest Carbon Report. The main finding of the reports is: The forest..

Tiger Survey Report Launch
Large carnivores are endangered throughout their range across the globe. Loss of habitat and habitat fragmentation, prey depletion, and direct poaching to feed the illegal wildlife trade are the major causes driving them to near extinction. Although tigers (Panthera tigris) once roamed most Asian landscapes, they are now isolated and restricted to just 7% of..