Hiring of International Consulting Firm to carry out a Feasibility Assessment

The Bhutan for Life Fund Secretariat would like to invite Expressions of Interest (EOI) from international consulting firms (“consultants”) to carry out the following services:

Consultancy Services to carry out a Bhutan for Life Sustainable Financing Mechanisms Feasibility Assessment

The objectives of this consultancy are to:

  1. Identify and describe in detail 4-5 of the highest priority, feasible and pragmatic sustainable financing mechanisms that can make a significant contribution to covering the long-term funding needs ($7.1M/year in 2016 USD) to support Bhutan for Life (BFL) Program goals in perpetuity;
  2. Provide a market analysis (“Feasibility”) that led to the identification of said mechanisms, which covers the following: criteria analyzed for their selection; the proposed structure for each and entities involved; the financial assumptions behind each one (elaborated in an Excel model); the cost-effectiveness of implementing each mechanism; the related risks for each; and complementarity of each instrument to current or new sources of funding. Within the context of how the Royal Government of Bhutan’s financial resources are assigned and allocated to the National Protected Area System, provide specific recommendations for how to implement each of those 4-5 highest priority sustainable financing mechanisms during BFL’s implementation period.

Main consultancy activities:

  1. Identify and summarize 10-15 existing and/or new sustainable financing mechanisms (drawing from the BIOFIN catalogue of 150 as helpful) with the potential to support the BFL Program (based on both the amount of permanent recurring funding that could be dedicated to BFL goals, and the legal, political, and operational feasibility of implementing the mechanism). Provide a concise background analysis and projections for each identified.
  2. From that list of 10-15 sustainable financing mechanisms, create a shortlist of 4-5.
  3. For each of the 4-5 prioritized sustainable financing mechanisms, describe in detail the background analysis.
  4. Identify specific actions to expand/implement each of the 4-5 prioritized sustainable financing mechanisms.

The detailed requirements of the assignment are stated in the Terms of Reference (ToR).

Contact us during the office hours (0900 to 1700 hours) for additional enquires:

  • Contact No. +975 2330978
  • Email: bhutanforlife@bfl.org.bt


  1. Request of Expression of Interest
  2. Terms of Reference for BFL sustainable financing mechanisms feasibility Assessment