Bhutan for Life Knowledge Management and Communication Workshop

Bhutan for Life (Project Coordination Unit and Fund Secretariat) has successfully conducted the Knowledge Management and Communication Workshop!
The objective of the workshop was to enhance BFL’s knowledge management and communication practices by ensuring the expertise and wisdom within implementing partners and project managers are effectively captured, shared, and utilized to drive BFL’s project forward.
Throughout the workshop, participants had an opportunity to exchange experiences and insights with each other. The productive discussions and interactive sessions allowed participants to learn from one another’s successes, challenges, and innovative approaches.
Moreover, participants emphasized the importance of ensuring the visibility of BFL project activities. By adopting effective communication strategies, Implementing Partners can enhance the visibility of an incredible work on the ground and engage a wider audience, including stakeholders, partners, and the community at large.
Participants where introduced to various tools, techniques, and best practices for knowledge management and communication. From using digital platforms to curating engaging content, participants delved into the world of storytelling, and visualizations. The workshop equipped everyone with the skills and insights necessary to create compelling narratives around BFL project, fostering greater understanding, support, and collaboration.
Their enthusiasm, engagement, and willingness to share their experiences made this event a resounding success. BFL and its stakeholder is building a culture of effective knowledge sharing and communication towards successful BFL project implementation.

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