Ms. Norbu Yangdon

Ms. Norbu Yangdon
Ms. Norbu is an experienced conservationist and environmental expert with extensive experience in managing Bhutan’s protected areas and biological corridors. Currently serving as a Senior Forestry Officer with the Nature Conservation Division under the Department of Forests and Park Services, Norbu has made significant contributions to Bhutan’s conservation landscape. Her expertise spans areas such as protected area management, biodiversity assessment, and environmental and social safeguards.
Notable achievements include being part of the core team that zoned protected areas in Bhutan (2021–2023) and assessing Key Biodiversity Areas (KBA) while formulating action plans for 11 sites. She also played a pivotal role in the preparation of Bhutan’s first Management Effectiveness report for Protected Areas and developed the Grievance Redressal Mechanism for the Bhutan for Life program.
Her leadership in community-centric projects, such as the Sustainable Rangeland Management project in Merak, and her efforts in Red Panda conservation have been widely recognized. She has co-authored several publications and contributed to the preparation of critical conservation management plans, demonstrating her commitment to bridging research with practical interventions.
Norbu’s international recognition includes being a recipient of the “Highly Commended” WCPA International Rangers Award (2021) and serving as an Expert Assessment Group for Green Listing (EAGL) member under IUCN.