©Bhutan for life Fund Secretariat
Installation of 50 kW Solar PV Plant at Aja Community
Aja-Ney is one of the most sacred pilgrimage sites under Shermuhung Gewog in Mongar Dzongkhag. It’s located within the core zone of the Bumdeling Wildlife Sanctuary (BWS). The nearest road leading to Aja terminates at a place called Khadrak located at about 17 km from the Shermuhung Gewog center. Thereafter, it takes around 7 hours on foot to reach the community. The Aja community comprises 4 Lhakhangs, 19 Tsamkhangs, 8 Huts, 2 Guest House, Park Guard Office and a Kitchen accumulating to 34 Households (HHs).
Since the on-grid electrification of Aja Community remains far from happening for the foreseeable future, the Department of Renewable Energy (DRE) is taking the lead role in propagating the electrification work at Aja community. The Department has also collaborated with Bhutan Ecological Society (BES) in exploring the other alternative means (Solar PV farm) to electrify Aja village through the Small Grants Programme (SGP) under UNDP.
Owing to the prevailing financial position, technical feasibility, environmental concerns and the magnitude of the work, the Department has segregated the electrification project into following 3 phases:
- Phase 1: Solar Power Plant at Nimathang (Main Community Center)
- Phase 2: Solar Power Plant at Pema Yang Dzong
- Phase 3: Solar Power Plant at Dungkarcholing
To begin with, the Department will pursue the project phase 1. The phase 2 and phase 3 components will be pursued later when the Department is able to secure sufficient funding.
The total carbon stock of Bhutan is approximately 609 million tonnes. Bhutan’s Forest stores 524 million tonnes of carbon while 85 million tonnes is stored in Non-Forest land. Aboveground Biomass (AGB) represents 46% of the total carbon stock with 246 million tonnes of carbon equivalent to 91.91 tonnes per ha. About 67 million tonnes of carbon are stored in the form of Belowground Biomass (BGB) while every hectare stores 25.17 tonnes. 8 million tonnes of carbon are stored in Dead Wood equivalent to 3.16 tonnes per ha. Litter stores 20 million tonnes of carbon and 7.37 tonnes per ha. About 182 million tonnes (68.12 tonnes per ha) of carbon are stored in SoilOrganic Carbon (SOC). 66 % of the total carbon is stored in Broadleaved Forest While the Coniferous Forest stored 34 % of the total carbon stock.
Communities with Donors and Officials
- 34 Households beneficiaries. The Aja community comprises 4 Lhakhangs, 19 Tsamkhangs, 8 Huts, 2 Guest House, Park Guard Office and a Kitchen
- Total Project Value Nu. 12.13 million The total cost estimate of the Solar Project at Aja Ney is Nu. 12,135,535 and it is funded by the Green Climate Fund.