Park Information
- Location: Far east of the country
- Total Area: 740.60 km2
Faunal and Floral Diversity
Faunal and floral diversity under the Sakteng Wildlife Sanctuary (SWS)
Risk and Threats
Grazing pressure from the demand of a high livestock population
Construction of farm roads
Hydro-power construction
SWS's Future with Bhutan for Life
An eco-tourism project implemented
Degraded lands within SWS mapped and restored with climate-smart mechanisms
Eco-lodges and eco-treks designed and developed
Watersheds in SWS fully protected and effectively managed by 2030
Park communities implement climate-smart organic agriculture and alternative energies
Forest quality and extent is maintained
New nature-based local enterprises implemented
SWS equipped with adequate and competent staff as well as essential equipment and infrastructure
The primary source of livelihood for the residents is livestock rearing yaks, sheep, and Dzoe and Dzoms (hybrid of yak and cow)
Residents are primarily farmers who mainly on agriculture for livelihood
Camping and Trekking Sites
Popular Trekking Routes
Major Projects
Bringing light to one of the highest communities of Himalayas.
Management Plan
This conservation management plan describes in details the importance of the park in ensuring biological continuity and ecosystem integrity, human communities and economic status; experiences and challenges, achievements from the past conservation management plan, threats and strategic actions for next 10 years. This plan also includes implementation work plans with budget outlay, monitoring, and evaluation approach for the planned activities.