Dr. Wit Soontaranun

Dr. Wit Soontaranun
Dr. Wit is the member to the Bhutan for Life Board of Trustees representing the BFL Private Donor. He is the Chief Social Contribution Officer at DTGO’s Strategic Corporate Social Contribution and is responsible for the group’s strategic social contribution in which philanthropic programs and corporate social responsibility initiatives are the prime focus. His role also includes assisting in steering DTGO’s ‘Business-Social’ integration efforts, which focuses on developing successful, long standing businesses across all of DTGO’s operations, that nurture quality of life whilst enhancing social value.
Dr. Wit oversees a number of highly successful philanthropic projects working to enrich the environment and ecosystems, and improve the livelihoods of the youth and the underprivileged in various parts of Thailand.
Prior to joining DTGO, Dr. Wit held positions as Sustainability Director for Thai Union Group PCL and Senior Vice President for Occupational Health, Safety, Environment and Community Development for Banpu PCL. Before that he was the co-founder and program director of the Cleaner Technology Internship program and a lecturer at Chulalongkorn University.
Dr. Wit holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering from Chulalongkorn University and a Master’s Degree and a Doctorate in Chemical Engineering from Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London.